The following list of music is taken from our current repertoire:
A Gaelic Blessing Rutter
As Long As I have Music Besig
Ave Maria Elgar
Ave Verum Elgar
Ave Verum Mozart
Ave Verum Corpus Byrd
Behold That Star Chilcott
Cantique de Jean Racine Faure
Coronation Mass Mozart
Creation Haydn
Dance To Your Daddy Snowden
Deep River Arr. Secco
Early One Morning Gerlitz
Encores for Choirs 1
Fields Of Gold Sumner
Flying Free Besig
For The Beauty Of The Earth Rutter
Gavotte For Bach (5th French Suite)
Gloria Vivaldi
Hail Holy Queen (Sister Act) Arr. Shaiman
Hallelujah Chorus Handel
How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Brahms
I Am A Small Part Of the World Albrecht / Althouse
I Was Glad Parry
If Ye Love Me Tallis
In The Mood Blackwell / Carter
Jerome Kern (A Choral Portrait) Hayward
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude Bach
Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring Bach
Laudate Mominum Mozart
Les Miserables (Medley) Schonberg
Locus Iste Bruckner
Magnificat Rutter
Mamma Mia And Abba Hits
May It Be Brasnain
Never Weather-Beaten Sail Wood
O Happy Eyes Elgar
Oculi Omnium Wood
On This Day Earth Shall Ring Stewart
Panis Angelicus Franck
Pavane Faure
Requiem Faure
Rodgers And Hammerstein On Broadway
Steal Away Burleigh
The Armed Man (Choral Suite) Jenkins
The Lark In The Clear Air Rowley
The Lord Bless You And Keep You Rutter
The Lost Chord Sullivan
The Ground Gjeilo
The Seal Lullaby Whitacre
The Sprig Of Thyme Rutter
The Twelve Days after Christmas Silver
To Music Dyson
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day Gardner
When The Saints Go Marching In Rutter
Wherever You Are Mealor
While Shepherds Watched Foster / Clark
You'll Never Walk Alone / Climb Every Mountain
Zadok the Priest Handel
100 Carols for Choirs